Testimonials — Women To Women

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP is no longer accepting new patients and is instead focusing on her successful weight loss program. Click here for more info or contact support@marcellepick.com.


What patients say about Our Medical Center

The stories below are true and told in the women’s own voices; they are not composites. To protect our patient’s privacy, we have changed their names and do not provide any identifying information.

I had a seizure disorder when I was going through puberty. I saw multiple neurologists and was on a multitude of anti-seizure medication. When I was in my mid-twenties the seizures went away, but as I reached the end of my forties, I noticed the problem seemed to resurface. After Marcelle Pick explained to me that menopause is puberty in reverse, she helped discover that my seizures were likely hormonally related as they occurred during my cycle when my progesterone levels were lower. Marcelle helped me identify the issue and recommended trying out a prescription for progesterone, on a schedule. As a result, my seizure disorder has completely disappeared. She [Marcelle Pick] was able to do what four neurologists couldn’t do in a twenty-year period of time. I am very appreciative of her help and her willingness to try a different approach to a seizure issue.
— Julie K.

About a year go I started seeing a new doctor in Boston; I was having a lot of depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and a whole host of other issues. I thought it was a thyroid issue, had a full blood panel done, and really nothing of the ordinary came back, other than I was deficient in vitamin D. I started on a vitamin D serious regiment that helped a little bit but not really, so she [the doctor from Boston], referred me to another doctor to run some more tests. I didn’t think it was anxiety and depression did not want to go on anti-depressants. I am a very sensitive person, to begin with, and I don’t even take Advil usually if I can help it. She [the doctor from Boston], referred me to another doctor who gave me a lot of different numbers for therapists that I could see and tried to push me down that route. I still didn’t feel like that was it, yes I had all these feelings, but I could take a step back from it, it wasn’t overwhelming but that it was something else. My mom started looking into alternative doctors; it was a friend of my mom’s referred to us to [Women to Women Healthcare Center]. I had my first appointment here [Women to Women Healthcare Center] in January, and I have been back once a month, I feel like a different person. I feel so much happier, clearer mind, sleeping better and everything has changed.
— Laurie B.

“The Women to Women Clinic is the most brilliant health choice I could have ever made.”

“I found the Women to Women clinic in the reference section while I was reading the book, Women’s Bodies – Women’s Wisdom. Soon after that, I was diagnosed with an optic groove meningioma brain tumor and as treatment, had craniotomy surgery to remove it. In the recovery period, many of my body systems became totally imbalanced. Orthodox medical treatment didn’t come close to helping me. It was clear to me that I needed a combination of alternative and conventional medicine healthcare. I especially wanted to use functional medicine.

“I chose Women to Women and it was the most brilliant health choice I could ever have made. Marcelle Pick is a genius practitioner of functional medicine. I’ve been a faithful patient for 10 years and my health is excellent today. This has been a result of thorough evaluations of monitored tests for adrenal, digestive, and hormone levels, and comprehensive metabolic profile functioning. There are also blood tests for cholesterol, C-reactive protein, homocysteine levels, vitamin D, thyroid levels, and sometimes others as well.

“As a patient, I am treated for symptoms and advised about how to help my body stay healthy and heal itself through nutrition, supplements, and good digestion. The focus of importance at Women to Women is the mind-body-spirit connection. As a psychotherapist who practiced for over 25 years, I know how essential this is for well being.

“What I like best about Women to Women is the consistent, conscientious attention of the staff, the limitless amount of time for office visits, and the thoroughness of the attention to my mind, body, and spirit. The Women to Women clinic is inviting because it’s located in an old Victorian home which is exquisitely maintained. Over my 10 years as a patient, my confidence in and reliance on the health care I have received there grows exponentially. I can count on Marcelle Pick and her staff to investigate and incorporate the most current treatments for women’s health.”
— Betty G

After surgical treatment for a brain tumor, Betty had serious imbalances in all her body systems. She felt that conventional medicine had little to offer in the way of help and knew that she needed to find a practitioner who was educated in alternative and functional medicine. She chose Marcelle Pick OB/GYN NP at Women to Women and has been a faithful patient for 10 years. Today, Betty has excellent health and especially appreciates that Women to Women focuses on her emotional and spiritual health, as well as her physical wellness.

“Now I’m on a path of true wellness of healthy mind, body, and spirit.”

“Many years into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I found Dr. Christiane Northup’s first book and then found my way to a monthly newsletter she was writing at that time. I always knew that one day I’d find my way to Women to Women for an evaluation; however, living 3 hours away, I couldn’t even imagine that day being possible. After reading the Women to Women website and the biographies of the practitioners, I used to pray about working with Marcelle Pick and I began to believe she could help me. Finally, after many years of trying to get well, I phoned and Marcelle had time for a new patient.

“In addition to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I had depression and anxiety with panic attacks, hormonal disarray in the menopausal transition, with total physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual breakdown. My husband and I searched and searched for someone to help us with the total imbalance that was stealing my life from me. I no longer wanted to remain trapped by such pain, illness, and fatigue, or by the tragedies and cruelties of my past. I no longer wanted to feel broken-hearted. I wanted to find peace. I wanted to enjoy life. More than anything else, I wanted to be able to just go out the door and take a nice long walk. I wanted to feel alive. I wanted to learn how to feel connected and to ‘get a life.’ I wanted increased independence. I wanted to find my ‘Self’ and feel safe being ‘Her.’

“The paperwork I completed out before my initial visit with Marcelle gave me so much hope. She even asked if the neighborhood-barking dog bothered me! I knew that I was about to find the help I so desperately wanted. My prayers, and those of my family, were about to be answered.

“I’ve been a patient since 2002, and the journey to Women to Women, has totally changed my life. It’s allowed me to find health for the first time. When I came I was 52, though my Biological Testing then revealed that physiologically, I was in my mid-70s! Thankfully, Marcelle graciously waited to share that news with me until later, when my chronological and biological ages were pretty much in sync. I’m 59 now and this experience has redefined ‘health’ to include well-being of body, mind, and spirit.

“With Marcelle’s guidance, I became willing to totally examine and modify every aspect of my life – relationships, diet, medications, environment, physical movement, psychological counseling, neuromuscular osteopathy, spiritual healing, meditation, faith and centeredness practices, and my connectedness to the Universe. I learned to say ‘no’ to the world and start saying, ‘yes’ to Martha. I learned to stay open to all of these life components so that I could change and modify my pathway to health. Marcelle and I learned new things about my health from functional medicine testing and my ongoing progress reports. I found my ‘Self’ and have become a woman of hope, health, and harmony.

“I feel treasured from the moment I walk in your front door. The amazing staff and practitioners at Women to Women give me their undivided attention, always. I feel invited to embark on my own journey of healing with Women to Women by my side. I walked in hoping to feel better physically. Women to Women had far greater dreams for me and quickly put me on a path to true wellness: health of mind, body, and spirit. I feel heard and honored. With hard work and good advice, I am fully alive!”
— Martha B

Martha suffered for years with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She had learned about Women to Women early on and hoped she would find her way to the clinic eventually. After exhausting other options, she finally scheduled an appointment with clinic founder Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP. She drove three hours one way from her home in a Northern Maine community but that appointment would change her life forever and transform her into, as she puts it, a woman of hope, health, and harmony.