Practitioners — Women To Women

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP is no longer accepting new patients and is instead focusing on her successful weight loss program. Click here for more info or contact




Marcelle Pick, NP, is passionate about transforming the way women experience healthcare through an integrative approach. She co-founded the world renowned Women to Women Clinic in 1983 with the vision to not only treat illness, but also help support her patients in pro-actively making healthier choices to prevent disease.  She has successfully treated thousands of individuals through her unique approach to wellness.

In 2001, Marcelle created with a goal to be able to reach, inspire, and educate even more women worldwide - her website offers informative articles on women’s health issues and at-home solutions to some of the most troublesome symptoms they experience today.

Marcelle discovered Functional Medicine early on in her career and was honored to be among the first to be certified as a Functional Medicine Practitioner.  In addition she holds a BS in Nursing from the University of New Hampshire School of Nursing, a BA in Psychology from the University of New Hampshire, and her MS in Nursing from Boston College-Harvard Medical School. She is certified as an OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, and is a member of the American Nurses Association and the American Nurse Practitioner Association. 

Marcelle is currently an educator with The Institute of Functional Medicine and has served as a Medical Advisor to Healthy Living Magazine, writes a weekly newsletter for, and lectures on a variety of topics including weight loss resistance, infertility, stress & illness, and adrenal dysfunction.  She is the author of The Core Balance DietIs It Me or My Adrenals? and Is It Me or My Hormones?.  She has appeared on Dr. Oz, FOX, and ABC and has been featured in Glamour Magazine, ELLE Magazine and Women's World Magazine. Marcelle’s PBS show, Is It Me or My Hormones? is a favorite among viewers. 

Our practitioners offer their patients extensive knowledge in most areas of women’s health — hormone replacement therapy, weight management, traditional gynecological care, nutrition counseling, fatigue, menopause, infertility counseling and many more.  Each day these talented practitioners work with women across the country to further the clinic’s vision of changing women’s health — naturally.

All of Women to Women’s practitioners are trained in traditional and functional medicine. For us, simply resolving today’s symptoms isn’t enough — we want to identify and heal the underlying clinical imbalances that create chronic disease.  Marcelle has personally trained every practitioner at Women to Women sharing her knowledge and insights about what creates and sustains women’s health and well-being.

Founded in the 1980’s by a group of women who set out to work with their patients in a different way, these medical professionals knew that women wanted to participate in their own care.   They understood that women wanted to be educated about their health and offered options for their care.   Marcelle Pick and Christiane Northrup, MD, co-founders of Women to Women, are known as pioneers in the women’s health movement and their unique, investigative approach is still followed today.